YES Bank share price: The stock slipped 3.98 per cent to settle at Rs 25.54 in last trade. It has fallen 11.96 per cent in four trading days. The scrip has fallen 22.15 per cent from its one-year high price of Rs 32.81, a level seen earlier on February 9 this year.
YES Bank share price: The stock slipped 4.64 per cent to settle at Rs 27.10. At today's closing price, it has dropped 6.55 per cent in two trading days.
IDBI Bank Q3 Results: Net interest income, the difference between interest earned and interest expended, rose 17.4% YoY in the quarter to Rs 3,434.60 crore.
ICICI Bank said provisions for the quarter stood at Rs 1,049.37 crore, higher than Rs 582.63 crore in the September quarter but lower than the year-ago's Rs 2,257.44 crore.