Treasury expects to borrow 2. 00 trillion a net marketable debt in april to june quarter 3. 00 trillion dollars more than estimated in february to put not trillion dollars come on down to the feds Bargain Basement to put dollars order now and get 6 trillion dollars more in 6 months or now give 6 trillion dollar war in 6 months come on down to the fed broader base with j. P. L. I print money like a maniac come on down to the feds Bargain Basement ill give you a trillion dollars right now because of all baseball cards you got some also have or youve got some old rags that around the house will give you a 1000000000. 00 come on down to the printing shop right now you know you might want to. This is christine the guards money printing go to christine look at well his trick is to not let the one know most soon to print how do you know where a rebel. Bill of movement is all that. 7 we know that your french is not up to par but were going to say i have 100 euros right on my jacket my velvet j
Bank stocks hire workers are needed taxes are needed when you can. Burp money for go burn them max weve talked about the cantillon effect for the past few years here and thats when money printer anybody close to the money printer they get it 1st the oligarchs the cup the kratz the caca stock or c. They get the money 1st they get all the benefits of 0 percent Interest Rates and the further away from the bunny printer you go the more income bird with debt and grotesque nesting toxicity of all the fraud that went before it so were seeing this unfold around the world but i do want to make some notes about the set we have a palm tree now in the background because we are you know feeling like summer is coming on and that might be some sort of hope in the future about this cove in 1000 global lock down we have a fine as an investment handbook here that we will need in a few moments to explain negative rates are negative prices on options but i do want to also say hi to juan one tanya because
1st to the pink flamingos because we have a tweet directed at us from one of our viewers and his name is. Central and he says off topic i like the flamingos in the port where are they my wife also commented on how nice they are so i got some pics flamingos brought them back to the set there on the set you know they should be multiplying like they are moving because of the lockdown all the pink flamingos are surrounding everything disco disco version. Right of course pink flamingos was a raunchy bad taste thats fine let it go of course paint forming guys was a raunchy bad taste film by john waters in 1972 and i think 1972 is an important year that we started bringing in bad our bad taste and trashy taste because thats when we started getting trashy food and poor taste sort of investors like Warren Buffett Warren Buffett this past weekend did announce results not only did he lose over 50000000000. 00 in the 1st quarter but he proceeded to trash the entire u. S. Economy he announced that
Birth money for go burn you know that stuff max weve talked about the cantillon effect for the past few years here and thats when money printer anybody close to the money printer they get it 1st the oligarchs the cup the kratz the caca stock or c. They get the money 1st they get all the benefits of 0 percent Interest Rates and the further away from the bunny printer you go the more income bird with debt and grotesque nesting toxicity of all the fraud that went before it so were seeing this unfold around the world but i do want to make some notes about the set we have a palm tree now in the background because we are you know feeling like summer is coming on and that might be some sort of hope in the future about this cove in 1000 global lock down we have a fine as an investment handbook here that we will need in a few moments to explain negative. Rates are negative prices on options but i do want to also say hi to juan one tanya because our latin american audience are espanol version of
You can. Bur money for go burn you know the stuff max weve talked about the cantillon effects for the past few years here and thats when money printer anybody close to the money printer they get it 1st the oligarchs the cup the kratz the caca stock or c. They get the money 1st they get all the benefits of 0 percent Interest Rates and the further away from the bunny printer you go the more income bird with debt and grotesque nesting toxicity of all the fraud that went before it so were seeing this unfold around the world but i do want to make some notes about the set we have a palm tree now in the background because we are you know feeling like summer is coming on and that might be some sort of hope in the future about this cove in 1000 global lock down we have a fine as an investment handbook here that we will need in a few moments to explain negative. Rates are negative prices on options but i do want to also say hi to juan one tanya because our latin american audience our. Version of