The solution then was to extend Bank Credit Facilities thats how Alan Greenspan Ronald Reagan and robert rubin the plunge Protection Team or that working group on finance the president S Working Group on finance decided that they would solve this problem by not punishing or reforming but expanding the credit line of these banks so they did exactly what they were doing but on a bigger scale and then we have of course another major move down in 1989 we had a bomb crash more or less 9093 we had the dot com crash in 2000 we had the 2008 subprime crash and each one of these crashes were caused by the exact same thing over indebtedness too much leverage and no accountability no than foresman of regulations by the f. C. C. And then send in others and each and every time the policy from the Central Banks is to expand credit line and say do it again but do it bigger and now in 2020 we. Of now some more thing happening all over again its entirely predictable entirely preventable but as restraine
That broadly speaking if we dont get that, there would certainly be Downside Risks certainly through the channel i mentioned. Thank you cnn. Thanks for taking my question chairman powell, give us an update to the policy framework and repeated calls for this and this event, is the fed open to other parts of the economy such as income inequality and Affordable Housing we monitor everything we think is important in the u. S. Economy. In a broad sense, all of it goes into thinking about Monetary Policy you mentioned inequality so disparities in income and Financial Wellbeing demographic and racial categories, something we monitor carefully, inequality, which i would point to its a multifaceted thing, stagnation of nat the lower end of the income and lower mobility those are things that hold back our economy. They are the thing is we dont really have the tools to address those. We have Interest Rates and Bank Supervision and Financial Stability policy and things like that, but we cant get a
Hard to digest the news. Well cut right at it, give you the details in a moment. Overall, the market lacks real direction. The dows going to be up maybe 15, s p up 10. Nice gain for the nasdaq though, all green at this point. Politics [laughter] can you say softballs . One after another, they were lobbed towards joe biden at the cnn town hall last night. Not very good preparation for the first president ial debate which is, by the way, 11 days away. The standout for me came when biden suggested that if the president had acted sooner on the virus, all those people would not have died. So the president killed 190,000 people . Not a word of pushback from the moderator, cnns moderator. Today biden goes to minnesota, an opportunity for him to clarify his position on urban rioting and defunding the police after the minneapolis disturbances. And get this, the president will also be in minnesota today. You can bet hell brung up law and order bring up law and order. Mr. Trumps press secretary,
Gladly wore the mantle of peace not one of them were facemask im often berlin this is the day. The biggest optimists were shocked when they heard about this transaction google doesnt realize the literal use enjoying the greatest. Triumph over its history after all of these years david really gets tired of war. Has suffered far too long we have many countries any originate in your part of the world that will be very quickly signing up also but now we can do it even with more days this could really lead to peace real peace in the middle east for the 1st. Also coming up a german chancellor Angela Merkel today marked 70 years of the Central Council of jews in this country she added 7 decades since the shoah antisemitism remains it is the new sun its a disgrace and a deep shame for me how racism and antisemitism are expressed in our country in this day and age. To our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all the around the world welcome we begin the day with an agreement that will b
The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i move that the house suspend the rules and pass the bill, h. R. 5322, the ensuring diversity in Community Banking act, as amended. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 5322, a bill to establish or modify requirements relating to Minority Depository Institutions, Community Development Financial Institutions, and impact banks and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from california, mr. Sherman, and the gentleman from sk, mr. Timmons, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from california, mr. Sherman. Mr. Sherman mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days within which to revise and extend their remarks on this legislation, and to insert extraneous material thereon. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Sherman i yi