The businessman who lost Rs 95 lakh is into home appliances trading. He lost the money over 157 transactions. The second FIR was registered by a retired Army colonel who was cheated over 23 transactions.
Updated Feb 23, 2021 | 17:13 IST
Shahjahanpur police officials said they are probing whether such gangs using fingerprint cloning are operating elsewhere in the state. Police said they are trying to gather more about such gangs operating in the state.   |  Photo Credit: iStock Images
Key Highlights
Police have now arrested six people including 26-year-old Gaurav, who is a graduate
The issue came to light after several beneficiaries complained they were not receiving money from the government.
Bareilly: Police in Shahjahanpur district of Uttar Pradesh have busted a gang of cheats who duped hundreds of beneficiaries of government schemes like PM Kisan Yojna, old age pension among others.