Five foreign nationals, who were found residing illegally in Hyderabad after the expiry of their passports and doing illegal activities have been arrested, police said.
The Hyderabad Police said that TRS MLA Danam Nagender has cleared all pending challans. During a special drive focusing on traffic violations, Banjara Hills Police on Saturday spotted a four-wheeler belonging to MLA Danam Nagender that had pending traffic challans. There were a total of 66 pending challans on five vehicles of Danam Nagender Reddy amounting to Rs. 37,365.
HYDERABAD: Unable to pay hospital bills for his treatment a man had filed for mercy killing and tweeted the same to the Telangana Chief Minister’s Office, Minister KT Rama Rao, and tagged the State DGP, City Police Commissioner, and also the Banjara Hills Police. As per reports in Sakshi, Jitendra Srirangiri, 43, who hailed from Raipur in Chhattisgarh and suffered severe