The play is centred around a timeline of 1744-1757 when British imperialism began to spread around the globe, especially the Indian subcontinent, to consciously rule them.
Like William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”, the plot of the play revolves around two families, who differ from each other in terms of religion in the adapted backdrop of a city in Bangladesh.
The plot progresses through a fierce confrontation of power in the forms of the King, who symbolises the oppressor of both humans and nature by fear and power, and Nandini, who symbolises nature that restores its equilibrium by shaking everything into its righteous place through beauty, love, and strength of character.
Ganga Jamuna Cultural and Theatre Festival tantalises the audience with a plethora of performances, dance recitals, and art. A massive crowd has greeted the festival every day up till now, and The twelve-day-long festival will still continue for six more days.