Test test test test test test test. This is a test. This is a captioning test. Test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test they do break down a little bit in cyber in terms of going out and labeling objects for full motion video, there are no objects on the ground. We have it and we have people, buildings, we work our way down from there. Cyber a little bit difficult problem to deal with. What is the baseline . If we take the baseline behavior, i have to know what baseline is, its a appreciative maintenance or humanitarian assistance astro relief case. So if i go back to starting with a data problem on cyber, its the most basic problems that everybody begins with, data access, data quality, data content, data classification and data standards. What we have to do is reset a little bit. Our challenge without getting into the Technical Details is we have 24 Cyber Security providers all of whom are collec
The Philippines appellate court has upheld the money laundering conviction of former Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC) manager over an $81-million heist from the Bangladesh Bank in 2016.
The Court of Appeals (CA) affirmed the conviction of a former branch manager of Rizal Commercial Banking Corp. (RCBC), who has been found guilty of money laundering in connection with the cyber heist of $81 million from Bangladesh’s central bank in 2016.