SHEPHERDSTOWN In conjunction with Shepherdstown Parks & Recreation Committee s Bookmark the Park summer series ending on Saturday afternoon, the town s seco
SHEPHERDSTOWN The Shepherdstown Parks & Recreation Committee unveiled its second surprise of the summer to the public this past Saturday, during its monthly
SHEPHERDSTOWN In its second season this year, Bookmark the Park has once again brought a variety of literary events to each of Shepherdstown’s parks: Viol
Bookmark the Park: Literary-inspired park events take off
By Tabitha Johnston - Chronicle Staff | May 28, 2021
From left, Shepherdstown family Roula Hammer, David Hammer and Effie Kallas talk and look at nature-themed books at the beginning of Saturday’s Bookmark the Park kickoff event at Rumsey Park. Tabitha Johnston
SHEPHERDSTOWN Shepherdstown residents biked, walked and even drove to Rumsey Park on Saturday afternoon, to participate in the Shepherdstown Parks & Recreation Committee’s kickoff Bookmark in the Park event.
The Bookmark in the Park series, according to committee member Effie Kallas, has been in the works for some time, but had to be postponed until this summer, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The series is featuring a different literature-focused event each month, in one of the six parks in town.