Colors Kannada, keeping its promise to entertain its audience with the tagline of Banna Hosadagide, Bandha Bhigiyagide (A new colour with stronger bonding) is all set for a unique offering Antarapata. Presented by White Gold, Amrith Noni and special
Mumbai: Colors Kannada, keeping its promise to entertain its audience with the tagline "Banna Hosadagide, Bandha Bhigiyagide" (a new colour with stronger bonding), is all set to make its bonding with its audiences even stronger than before with a fresh lineup of shows. The channel recently announced its upcoming content slate, which includes fiction and non-fiction shows
Colors Kannada, keeping its promise to entertain its audience with tagline of Banna Hosadagide, Bandha Bhigiyagide (A new colour with stronger bonding) is all set to make its bonding with its audiences even stronger than before with fresh line up of