that you make fair peter is going just to give a grade if 20 seconds if you can grade the economy would you give it? and d, 8d. support deet like david. mentally passing. it s a growing well but the rest the country is doing poorly. arthel: will pick that up at another time peter morici former u.s. international trade commission chief thank you for joining us. we will be right back.
withth certain c chemotherapas as y your first t treatmentt ifif you do nonot have an a abnormal egfr o or alk gegene. keyeytruda can n cause yourur e system toto attack hehealthy ps of your bobody duduring or afafter treatmtm. this may b be severe and lelead to deatath. see your d doctor righght awy if you h have cough,h, shortnesess of breatath, chchest pain, , diarrhea,, sesevere stomamach pain, severere nausea oror vomitin, headache, , light sensnsitivi, eye proboblems, irregular r heartbeat,t, extrtreme tiredndness, constipatition, didizziness oror fainting,, chchanges in a appetite, thirstst, or urinene, coconfusion, m memory probob, muscle p pain or weaeakness, fever, rasash, ititching, or r flushing.. ththere may bebe otheher side effffects. tellll your doctctor about all yoyour medicalal conditio, inclcluding immune sysystem problelems, ifif you veve had or plpln toto have an o organ or s stem cell t transplant, receceived chestst radiation or havave a nervouous syststem p
fever, rasash, ititching, or r flushing.. ththere may bebe otheher side effffects. tellll your doctctor about all yoyour medicalal conditio, inclcluding immune sysystem problelems, ifif you veve had or plpln toto have an o organ or s stem cell t transplant, receceived chestst radiation or havave a nervouous syststem problemem. dedepending onon the typee of canancer, keytruda m may be useded aloe or in cocombinationn with o other treatatments, and d is also bebeing studied in hundrdreds of clclinical tririals, explploring waysys to treatt even m more types s of cance. it s s tru. kekeytruda frorom merck. see all ththe types ofof cancr keytrudada is known n for at and ask your doctor if keytruda could be right for you. bravo! you u used the quicksilver card from capital one wiwith no annunual fee and unlimimited 1.5% c cash bk on every purchase, everywhere. that makes you the hero of every purchase. what s s in your w wallet?
paxlxlovid may a affect howw yourur birth conontrol works. dodon t take p paxlovid ifif ye allergrgic to nirmrmatrelvir, ritotonavir, or any o of its ingrgredient. serious s side effecects can include e allergic r reaction, livever problemsms, and isissues with h hiv medici. otheher side effffects inclue alaltered tastste, diarrheh, high blolood pressurure, muscle a aches, abdodominal pa, nanausea, and d feeling ununw. if it s cocovid, paxlolovid. ask your d doctor or pharmamacist if papaxlovid, an i innovation n from pfize, isis right for you.
if you h have a risk factor, like being 50+, beining overweigight, asthmama, or otherers, dodon t wait.. if youou get covovid, ththere s somemething you u ca. takeken within 5 5 days of symptptoms, paxlovidid reduced t the risk of develeloping severere covid by y 86%. paxlovidid may strenengthen oror weaken otother medicici. takiking it withth certain medicicines may cacause life threatenining side effffects oror affect hohow paxlovidid w. so, it s c critical to telell your dococtor abouout all medidicines you u , inincluding heherbal supplplem, because e lab testss or c changing ththe dose of your r mediciness may bebe needed. tetell your dodoctor if yoyoue any seririous illnesesses, alallergies, liver r or kidney y disease, are prpregnant or r plan to become e pregnant,, are breaststfeeding, or use b birth contrtrol. paxlxlovid may a affect howw yourur birth conontrol works. dodon t take p paxlovid ifif ye allergrgic to nirmrmatrelvir, ritotonavir, or any o of its ingrgredient. serio