The Nebraska Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights heard testimony from education experts who detailed increasing challenges of special education needs, mental health issues and chronic absenteeism.
The Nebraska Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights heard testimony from education experts who detailed increasing challenges of special education needs, mental health issues and chronic absenteeism
When Tropical Storm Zeta rolled through Georgia in October 2020, many residents woke to power outages, downed trees and other signs of storm damage. Despite the disruption and the storm Gwinnett County Public Schools stayed in session, with the district leveraging its remote learning capability to continue instruction.
Looking ahead, school system officials in Gwinnett say virtual learning could make the old-fashioned snow day obsolete. “Having the option of holding a digital learning day certainly does provide the district with some flexibility,” says Sloan Roach, executive director of communication and media relations for the district. Technology provides schools with the opportunity to make these decisions quicker and navigate challenges more efficiently.