temporary basis. the president put out a statement this past hour. it says, quote, this is not a muslim ban as the media is falsely reporting. this is not about religion. this is about terror and keeping our country safe. some travelers in transit to the u.s. when the executive order went into effect are still being held at american airports. protesters, of course, have been gathering at airports all weekend, demanding their release. there has been a wave of international backlash as well to the travel ban. german chancellor angela merkel s spokesman says terrorism doesn t justify putting people of a particular origin or particular faith under general special. french minister saying accepting refugees is a duty of solidarity. terrorism knows no nationality. discrimination is no response. that s the translation. also uk foreign secretary branding the policy, quote, divisive and wrong. a lot going on around the world even as we ve been looking so
we should do that. but the fact that he would use that to juxtapose one religion when the ban is against another religion if you can t convince a judge that this is a religious ban, do you lose? no. we litigate over and over again. he has walked into a buzz saw. this issue plays out in multiple scenarios. this is a legal quagmire they walked into. i think we will succeed in this case. we have great plaintiffs, clients and lawyers. it continues to affectuate this ban, they ll be back in court. last question, does this case go to the supreme court? i have a hard time imagining it doesn t. obviously it has to work its way up through the federal district court and court of appeals. ultimately, when it goes to such a matter, such magnitude of such significance coming from the white house, you bet.
extra global window of what are the responses in cost. whov those been measured and who will pay for those here in the united states? laura kennedy, former ambassador, thank you for your time today. thank you so much for having me on. thank you for your coverage. sure. really appreciate it. thank you. we ll keep an eye on these protests. washington, fairly quiet. new york, very much alive. lot of spontaneous gatherings. they don t seem to be dissipating as night falls. you re watching msnbc. i m happy for myself, for the other families and i hope it s everywhere, not just here at dfw. i hope it s nationwide. we re not going to sfop until we see our parents and everyone sees their families here and nationwide. even when this is done. this ban should be lifted. this should not be here. sir! what s the status? there s a meteor hurtling towards earth. how long until impact? less than a minute. what do you want to do, sir?
i m allowed to enter the country. they would say talk to mr. trump. that doesn t show much preparedness. the order itself is a muslim ban. i want to get to that. i want to go in pieces because there s a lot to follow. there s a lot. just to finish what you won last night, why did the judge side with you and who is protected by your victory here? the judge sided with us. she fully understood from the get go the irreparable harm people were about to experience if they were put back on airplanes and deported back to their countries of origin. she fully understood that there were not just two clients named in our lawsuit but perhaps dozens of individuals, including one person, we re told by our sister organization, about to be placed on an airplane against his will back to syria. did you win partly because this was done anyway sloppy way? absolutely. they played right into our playbook. had they done this properly, it would have been a much longer
economy. so, this would damage our economy greatly if americans can t businessmen, all sorts of people are no longer welcome in countries. we talked about special relationship. i saw online there s a petition circulating in britain to parliament to not invite the president of the united states to the uk. wow! it had 600,000 signatures and is climbing rapidly. our closest ally. what does that tell you? let alone states that muslim majority states whose populations would be deeply offended by what is being interpreted as an anti-muslim ban. right. and you ve really helped to lay some of this out for us. whether this is a good idea, whether this is legal, whether this is being implemented effectively and responsibly, regardless of what one thinks of the idea and then there s this