Please note: while we address some country-specific updates related to the COVID-19 outbreak, the below contains information regarding global restrictions and closures as they stand today.
how long this is going to last. you know what? it could come to an end today. ainsley: the washington times is reporting that the state department is the one pushing this telling those refugees come on over before the ban changes. brian: there is a huge problem. someone is leaking out a lot of private conversations. a lot of people think it s just from the state department. people there for life. people in the permanent government that seem to be against donald trump. and this might be another example if you are correct if the washington times is correct. i would like to add one more thing, there is something about the tone that donald trump has since he started getting the deluge of daily presidential briefings on the threat assessment that has changed even when he was president-elect. this is about security. it isn t about being anti-muslim. it s about security. i will tell you we have had a chance to talk to him over the last few years. i have never seen him more dead serious or