More and more Boko Haram fighters and those of armed groups in the North West and South West Regions are laying down their weapons and seeking for reintegration in society.
Bamenda: Ultra-Modern DDR Centre Ready For Use
Equipment worth about FCFA 700 million expected for centre to open doors to repentant ex-combatants.
Ex-combatants who drop guns and leave the bushes will soon be welcomed at the newly constructed Centre in the neighbourhood of
Bafut/Mankon Airport. Work on the Centre is complete and was received on April 10, 2021 in the presence of f
ormer Prime Minister, Philemon Yang, the National Coordinator of the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Commission; Fai Yengo Francis and some political elite of the North West Region sizing up the beauty of the facility. It comprises 18 blocks, with 12 air-conditioned dormitories, a 500 capacity, Infirmary, workshops, play grounds, modern toilets, church, a Command Post, Security Post and security fence. Lire aussi : Régions militaires interarmées 2 et 5: En mode contrôle et évaluation