Nov 14, 2023 -
On Monday, November 13 Judge Baloisa Marquínez handed down sentences ranging from 12 to 14 years of jail time to eight people, including the former M
Nov 07, 2023 -
The Superior Court for Settlement of Criminal Cases has given a period of 15 business days to the lawyers of Ricardo Martinelli and four other defe
Oct 25, 2023 - The Superior Court for Settlement of Criminal Cases confirmed Tuesday the 128-month jail sentence against former president Ricardo Martinelli for money launderi
Oct 25, 2023 - The Superior Court for Settlement of Criminal Cases confirmed Tuesday the 128-month jail sentence against former president Ricardo Martinelli for money launderi
Oct 25, 2023 - The Superior Court for Settlement of Criminal Cases confirmed Tuesday the 128-month jail sentence against former president Ricardo Martinelli for money launderi