This guy thought he found it. The proof that the 2020 election was rigged and this guy was a part of it. Nope, nothing and now he is facing some serious charges.
Conspiracy theorists like this are who we should be keeping an eye on. Scary thing is, he used to be a police captain over in Houston. Mark Anthony Aguirre is a part of a group called Liberty Center . This group was conducting a civilian investigation into the alleged ballot scheme to rig the 2020 election.
Back on October 19th, Mark Anthony Aguirre thought he had cracked the case. He had the guy who had a bunch of fake ballots and was going to ruin the results. Aguirre claims he followed this man for four days and that this guy had 750,000 fake ballots in his truck. So what did Aguirre do?
where the shooter is. that s going to save your friends and it s going save you. if they can get to the shooter quick and then in a last report fuch to fight like we had the nashville hero who stopped the waffle house shooter after he killed four people with an ar-15, when he had to reload or his gun jammed, mr. shaw took him out. you may have to fight in the end. you get away, run, hide, barricade, call 911 if you can. if you can t do those things then you fight for your life. advice that we have to keep repeating so people know how to deal with this when this confronts them. the president did say earlier everyone must work together at every level of government to keep our children safe but as jim says, sometimes words like that at times like this don t feel as fulfilling as they may be intended to feel. i want to go back to our afill ballot houston, kprc.