KLTV’s Jamey Boyum talks at length with Great Texas Balloon Race Founder Bill Bussey about his year’s race which includes U.S. Nationals, and some history of the Great Texas Balloon Race itself. Balloons will fly daily, weather permitting, shortly after sunrise over Longview June 12-18.
season. jeff flock from fox business live from wildwood, new jersey. how will they recruit new kids to work on the boardwalk? it is pretty crazy out here along the jersey shore. this is legendary maurice pier. that is the balloon race, they need 1500 workers for the summer. they are 800 short. typically you put a leaflet on somebody s car, we have jobs. no, they are doing stickers that look like the seagulls decorated your car, if you look on the other side of the sticker, there is a qr code that takes you to a job application. they got your attention and they get you a job. it emseems to be working. when i started working, there