Amid pressure against America, US Department of State sanctions coordinator James O'Brien says sanctions on Zimbabwe target "the people who are responsible for and profit from human rights abuses, corruption and anti-democratic actions".
Here s a smoke cam from KING 5:
West Seattle has HAD it: They re ready to build a gondola to the mainland.
Biden intends on nominating Miguel Cardona as education secretary: Cardona is currently the head of Connecticut s public schools. He couldn t be more different from Betsy DeVos. Here s Vox on Cardona s background:
If confirmed by the Senate, Cardona won’t be the first Latino Secretary of Education. That distinction belongs to Lauro Cavasos, who served under Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush and was the only secretary of education to serve under two presidents. But Cardona’s background makes him a departure from recent education department heads. According to an interview with the Connecticut Mirror, Cardona was born in a Connecticut housing project, speaking only Spanish when he first attended school, giving him the perspective of the 5 million students across the US who are identified as “English language learners.” Cardona also attended two public unive