we ve kind of missed the ball on, where we could have made progress, to karol s point? one thing i was hoping for is we d see better recruitment, selection and training. that s really the key. you want to try to weed out certain people before they get to that point. unfortunately, police departments when you already have them already hired you have to deal with the problems you already have and you have to deal with them. supervision then plays a big deal. then when you ve had something wrong you ve got to discipline them. in many of these departments we ve seen where they didn t even have a tracking system to find out if this officer was involved in other use of force issues. we saw it in chicago and even in baltimore. when you read these consent decrees you kind of scratch your head and say how come it s taken an incident like this, whether freddie gray or tamir rice. people have studied this. they ve never discovered this
cover-up. we hear that saying. there s a sense when someone does something egregious and take their time taking full responsibility and i hate to draw parallels. she is not abused of physically abusing someone but shades of the chris brown saga, right? what ultimately hurt chris brown and hard to come back from is people like me who supported his al b albums and then photos of rihanna. he never said he beat or assaulted her until a year and a half later. it was all i m sorry for what had occurred, transpired. she hid for three days and then first apology comes out, i m sorry for hurtful language. what exactly did you say that you re sorry for and why are you sorry for it? and that s what i think they really dropped the ball on. james, you almost get in to the psychology of what you believe the psychology is behind
i hate to draw parallels here, but she s not accused of physically assaulting someone, but there are shades of the chris brown saga. what ultimately hurt chris brown s image and his record sales and hard to come back from, people like me supported his albums and then we see the photos of rihanna, he never actually says that he beat her, that he assaulted her until about a year and a half later. it s all i m sorry for what has happened, i m sorry for what occurred, i m sorry for what transpired. she hid for three days and then when she finally the first apology comes out, it s i m sorry for her colorful language. that leaves the question what exactly did you say that you re sorry for and why are you sorry for it and that s what i think they really dropped the ball on. and, james, you know, how did you see this? how did you interpret what she said and what she hasn t said, we know you made very strong statements in your article in time drawing some parallels to what she said during t
entitlements, but its defense and across the board, and that s where the leadership moment comes, i think, for the white house and the congress to really lay out very success iktly what this is for. i will say, howard, the white house has a proposal that they ve had out for a couple of months, which we mentioned in the open of this, which is $1 trillion in cuts to spending, and half a billion or, sorry, $500 billion in new revenue, which, you know, is not a number half a billion in any kind of sorry. half a trillion in revenue is not something the republicans want to play ball on, but that s a proposal. it s a proposal. i think the republicans are done raising taxes. i mean, i think that they held their notices last year and raised taxes. that s not going to happen again. i think the republicans will be satisfied. they would rather have sequester with the cuts than they would raise taxes. i don t think there s any there may be different wings of the republican party. there
material, then you have the attorney general of the united states who knows it in the summer, does absolutely nothing. but it s not the only thing he dropped the ball on. after 9/11 hit, it was two or three weeks before the fbi went to benghazi to look at the place and then they supposedly picked up anything that was there as relevant but it wasn t until october 26th when foreignpolicy.com sent journalists there and they found documents. i don t know what the fbi was doing the first time. then you have the problem that the cia identifies the man from tunisia who was somebody there at the time of the assault and the fbi doesn t talk to them for weeks and weeks because the administration said tunisian won t give us permission but it takes lindsey graham a phone call and in 24 hours he gets permission. the attorney general isn t doing anything, the fbient is doing anything, and now we have this other problem. at the heart of the matter you have a situation where we have a consulate was