“Dragon Ball,” which will mark its 40th anniversary later this year, traces its roots back to the inspiration of the iconic action star Jackie Chan. The kung-fu manga: In a 1995 interview with Japan's Bird Land Press, manga artist Akira Toriyama expressed his admiration for Jackie Chan’s movies, particularly citing the film series “Drunken Master” as his favorite.
“Dragon Ball,” which will mark its 40th anniversary later this year, traces its roots back to the inspiration of the iconic action star Jackie Chan. The kung-fu manga: In a 1995 interview with Japan's Bird Land Press, manga artist Akira Toriyama expressed his admiration for Jackie Chan’s movies, particularly citing the film series “Drunken Master” as his favorite.
“Dragon Ball,” which will mark its 40th anniversary later this year, traces its roots back to the inspiration of the iconic action star Jackie Chan. The kung-fu manga: In a 1995 interview with Japan's Bird Land Press, manga artist Akira Toriyama expressed his admiration for Jackie Chan’s movies, particularly citing the film series “Drunken Master” as his favorite.