The CBI registered a fresh FIR on Saturday against unidentified officials of a shelter home for girls in Muzaffarpur in Bihar, which hit the headlines in 2018 for large-scale sexual abuse of inmates, in connection with a missing girl who was shown as reunited with parents in 2015 on the basis of forged documents.
The CBI registered a fresh FIR on Saturday against unidentified officials of a shelter home for girls in Muzaffarpur in Bihar, which hit the headlines in 2018 for large-scale sexual abuse of inmates, in connection with a missing girl who was shown as reunited with parents in 2015 on the basis of forged documents. Brajesh Thakur whose NGO ran the shelter home, Balika Gruh, was
The CBI during its probe found details of a physically and mentally disabled girl, who was shown on paper to have been reunited with her parents in 2015, remains missing