Oat milk: friend or foe for blood sugar? While it boasts a creamy texture, oat milk's impact on glucose levels sparks debate. Experts weigh in on GI ranking, processing methods, and added sugars. Discover tips for enjoying oat milk without blood sugar spikes!
At 111, Englishman John Tinniswood claims fish and chips as his secret to longevity. Dietician Kanikka Malhotra weighs in on the health benefits of fish and occasional fried food indulgence. Explore other factors likely contributing to Tinniswood's remarkable lifespan.
As the winter months approach, maintaining a robust immune system becomes paramount to safeguarding our health against the common cold, flu, and other seasonal ailments.
As a dietitian, my patients talk to me a lot about salads. They tell me they think they should eat more salads or assume that I’m going to tell them to eat more salads. But to their surprise.