better for your sanity. lawrence: yeah. to have a quiet peaceful room. lawrence: what i do i love going to sleep to the oceans. i put the ocean on the tv. that tells me you need this. ocean too. you need more relaxation in your life. so we have to move on more important things so not on one leg for two seconds new study says twice as likely to die within ten years brazilian study claim one in three kongts pass the balance test so can y can pass it because i put my shoes on standing up in morning my socks and shoes and stangtding on one legibility. i have a plottist twr you let s do it. your mark and this is standing on one leg now watch this.
you but i think it is just better for your sanity. lawrence: yeah. to have a quiet peaceful room. lawrence: what i do i love going to sleep to the oceans. i put the ocean on the tv. that tells me you need this. ocean too. you need more relaxation in your life. so we have to move on more important things so not on one leg for two seconds new study says twice as likely to die within ten years brazilian study claim one in three kongts pass the balance test so can you pass the test? i can pass it because i put my shoes on standing up in morning my socks and shoes and stangtding on one legibility. i have a plottist twr you let s do it. your mark and this is standing on one leg now watch this.
you but i think it is just better for your sanity. lawrence: yeah. to have a quiet peaceful room. lawrence: what i do i love going to sleep to the oceans. i put the ocean on the tv. that tells me you need this. ocean too. you need more relaxation in your life. so we have to move on more important things so not on one leg for two seconds new study says twice as likely to die within ten years brazilian study claim one in three kongts pass the balance test so can you pass the test? i can pass it because i put my shoes on standing up in morning my socks and shoes and stangtding on one legibility. i have a plottist twr you let s do it. your mark and this is standing on one leg now watch this.