The show has had a steady run and recently went through a major twist with the show taking a generational leap. After that, some new entries marked the show and actors like Sana Sayyad, Paras Kalnawat and Baseer Ali joined the star cast of the show. |
Nithya’s scuffle: In a latest report, it is being alleged that ‘Thadi’ Balaji’s estranged wife Nithya has been injured after engaging in a quarrel with someone who reportedly owes her a debt. It is well known that Balaji and Nithya had a strained relationship and they have been in the relationship on and off.
The show has had a steady run and recently went through a major twist with the show taking a generational leap. After that, some new entries marked the show and actors like Sana Sayyad, Paras Kalnawat and Baseer Ali joined the star cast of the show. |
Aditi and Shraddha have known each other for a while now and were together in Cinestars Ki Khoj, of which Katha was the winner. Both Aditi and Shraddha have been part of many movies and TV shows and have enjoyed a bountiful love from the masses. |