Letter to Supreme Court notifying of NLS surprise new reservation
NLSIU Bengaluru has made a submission to the Supreme Court unexpectedly stating that it would be implementing state-level domicile reservations from the 2021-22 academic year.
According to a note submitted to the apex court by NLSIU’s advocate-on-record Kumar Dushyant Singh:
4. Hence, inter alia reservation for Karnataka students will be implemented at the Respondent No.4 University from academic year 2021-22. The Respondent No.4 Universitybrings this matter to the attention of this Hon’ble Court for further consideration.
The decision is the result of a “NLSIU Inclusion and Expansion Plan 2021-2024”, which is was “developed. to deepen and increase diversity of its student body and facilitate greater access to various marginalized and/or underprivileged sections of society”, according to the note.