DEAR HELOISE:I wanted to write in regarding losing socks. I bought 10 pairs of identical black socks, which I wear all winter. Since they are all the same, I don t have to do any matching. For other socks, I don t wait until doing laundry to pin them together; I pin them together when I take them off. Dee Van Dam, via email
Dear Heloise: I have been reading your column in the Mining Journal, in Marquette, Michigan, for many years. In a recent column, someone was asking about storin
Dear Heloise: I have been reading your column in the Mining Journal, in Marquette, Michigan, for many years. In a recent column, someone was asking about storing fresh ginger.
TRY THIS EASY WAY TO CHOP UP NUTS Dear Heloise: Here is a quick and easy way to chop nuts for baking or other uses. Place nuts in a zip-top bag, press the air
Dear Heloise: You once had a simple recipe to shine silver jewelry, and I’ve lost it. Would you reprint those instructions? I have a lot of sterling silver jewelry that needs cleaning, and some of my pieces have nooks and crannies that I can’t clean by hand. –– Mae R., Dallas Mae, this is so […]