The Bakersfield Pet Food Pantry needed to raise $5,000 by the end of January to keep its doors open. Thanks to the citizens of Bakersfield, the pantry will remain open.
When tough times hit, their landlord allowed the Bakersfield Pet Food Pantry to rent the space for $2,500 month to month. However, now their lease is changing.
Inflation is hitting everyone, including the Bakersfield Pet Food Pantry. Lately, a slow down in donations has them worried for their upcoming distribution.
This month, the Bakersfield Pet Food Pantry decided to do even more for the residents at Plaza Towers. On Monday, volunteers from the housing authority delivered the presents to the seniors along with their pet food packages.
At their office in Southwest Bakersfield, there’s a shiny golden Christmas tree draped with ornaments donning a senior's name. The food pantry is asking community members to pick an ornament and help provide a gift of needed items for the senior.