It’s SUNDAY…you know what that means.
Hey guys, Jeremy here. Tony’s running a little late so I’m covering the pre-show! We all know the hype stuff, we’ve seen it all before but we do have a match coming so looking forward to that.
Excalibur and Tony Schiavone welcome us to Daily’s Place and break down the card tonight, then go back to the hype videos, looking at Young Bucks vs. MJF and Jericho first.
Britt Baker comes out and says that Reba cannot compete after being attacked by Nyla Rose, and while her own doctor’s note wasn’t enough to make her ineligible, but she got the Jacguar’s doctor to agree with her. Reba comes out on a crutch. Baker says she found the perfect replacement and partner for herself Maki Itoh! Okay then, let’s go.
State of the AEW Women s Division: January 2021 By Jericu on Jan 30, 2021, 3:11am EST 6
Hey remember last month, when I was like oh hey, the women s division is on an upswing, I sure hope this momentum continues instead of petering out immediately ? How I wanted the division to continue to get stories instead of the ones they set up ending and then everything going back to a random meaningless jumble with no clear challenger for the championship?
So, Kenny Omega, right? He s supposed to be in charge of the women s division, and recently he did an interview where he was asked, point blank, hey are the women going to get more TV time this year? His response, in full: