I’ve got to be honest. I’m not a big fan of abalone and never really understood why Chinese families usually have it during Chinese New Year (CNY). So imagine how “enthusiastic” I was when I was tasked by the editor to find the cheapest abalone promotions available for our Seedly members. However, I did learn a couple of interesting facts.
The Chinese New Year (CNY) madness is upon us once again. ‘Tis the time of the year when Singaporeans aunties and millennials alike set aside time to jostle with crowds and queue long hours for “branded” bak kwa from Lim Chee Guan, Bee Cheng Hiang and more. Not only is bak kwa (barbecued sliced pork) a traditional CNY.
We're well into mid-January, but the gourmet feasting isn't slowing down. Think the finest beef cuts of the winter season, meat-free snacks from a homegrown brand, a boozy new weekend brunch, and so much more. Here's what's brewing up on the sunny shores of Singapore this week. Marking its sixth year running, Bedrock Bar & Grill's World Meat Series returns.