Baipan Bhari Deva is a multi-starrer movie with Suruchi Adarkar, Suchitra Badekar, Rohini Hattangadi, Shilpa Navalkar, Sukanya Kulkarni and Deepa Parab in the lead role. The movie is based on the story of the six sisters who are forced to come together for the Mangalagaur competition.
Marathi dramedy Baipan Bhari Deva is having an unbelievable theatrical run in Maharashtra. The film will outgross first week box office numbers in second weekend itself.
Marathi dramedy Baipan Bhari Deva observes phenomenal trend at the box office with day 7 collections being higher than day 1. The film is on course to become a blockbuster.
Despite domestic competition from films like Satyaprem Ki Katha and Carry On Jatta 3, Marathi film Baipan Bhari Deva emerges a big hit for the Marathi Film Industry.