location. we used to have many things in storage. but all the stored goods have run out. thousands of shia are being recruited to fight isis and defend iraq s precious southern oil fields. the lifeblood of the nation. here s why. two weeks ago, moss mosul was a bustling city of the north. it s in the hands of militants so extreme that they have been shunned by al qaeda. after the recent mass murder of shia, they are recruiting sun nie so-called volunteers. the new rulers may soon declare it the capital of a terrorist caliphate. they may settle for control of the south and iraq s break up will be complete. the city of baghdad is
location. we used to have many things in storage. but all the stored goods have run out. thousands of shia are being recruited to fight isis and defend iraq s precious southern oil fields. the lifeblood of the nation. here s why. two weeks ago, moss mosul was a bustling city of the north. it s in the hands of militants so extreme that they have been shunned by al qaeda. after the recent mass murder of shia, they are recruiting sun nie so-called volunteers. the new rulers may soon declare it the capital of a terrorist caliphate. they may settle for control of the south and iraq s break up will be complete. the city of baghdad is