Der Bautzener Landrat Michael Harig fordert im Namen der sächsischen Landräte, dass der Wolf einen niedrigeren Schutzstatus bekommt. Bei Bedarf soll er so in Zunkunft leichter geschossen werden können.
for the next census. chief justice john roberts, he really focused on the reasons put forward for agd the question. and this is what he said. we cannot ignore the disconnect between the decision made and the explanation given. keep in mind the government said all along that the question was necessary to comply with the voting rights act. challengers said that it was a veiled attempt to intimidate minority voters. but in the second case, john, that was a totally different circumstance. this case had to do with the census question. and here the chief was partisan gerrymandering and here chief justice john roberts, he sided with the conservatives here and he slammed the courthouse doors shut on these kind of challenges that go to when politicians go too far in drawing district lines for partisan gains. critics said that the court needed to step in here because the system had run amok.
his presidency in the early part of his presidency and the travel ban, ultimately the third will probably be upheld by the supreme court, but the question is did you need that message particularly right out of the blocks? and then i think just the white house staff, you know? anybody could walk in there at any time for the first two or three months and say, hey, boss, what s doing? agd put anything on his desk. now john kelly s come in as chief of staff and em posed some order imposed some order but not total. yeah. but i don t think it gets the notice that it probably deserves, paul. if you look at the first six months of this administration versus the last six months, it s almost night and day in terms of the stories that are coming out, the palace intrigue. remember, the beginning of this was this death match between steve bannon and reince priebus, everybody angling to get their initiatives in front of the president, to bring the other one down with leaks to the press.
part of his presidency and the travel ban, ultimately the third will probably be upheld by the supreme court, but the question is did you need that message particularly right out of the blocks? and then i think just the white house staff, you know? anybody could walk in there at any time for the first two or three months and say, hey, boss, what s doing? agd put anything on his desk. now john kelly s come in as chief of staff and em posed some order imposed some order but not total. yeah. but i don t think it gets the notice that it probably deserves, paul. if you look at the first six months of this administration versus the last six months, it s almost night and day in terms of the stories that are coming out, the palace intrigue. remember, the beginning of this was this death match between steve bannon and reince priebus, everybody angling to get their initiatives in front of the president, to bring the other one down with leaks to the press. kelly came in, that has mostly
different person, the beginning of the week he seemed like he was almost scared. he ran out of the room couple of times. at the end of the week he seemed some were saying depressed. yesterday he was not there. it was sarah huckabee n agd i asked where was he. today he came out. sean was very strong today. i have to give him that. he was also very careful in his words. he s em battled himself. and he s trying to be very strategic how he offers phrases and words to the press. even contradicted what was said yesterday by sarah huckabee when it comes to the issues of tweets. the white house to include kelly anne conway saying it is just tweets shouldn t be a big deal but today sean spicer said it is