S-Oil President Ryu Yeol joins the “Zero Disposables Challenges,” an environmental initiative launched by Environment Minister Han Hwa-jin in February to reduce the use of disposables in public. A number of key business leaders have participated in the campaign. Ryu named Lotte Data Communication CEO Roh Jun-hyung and Kumho Petrochemical CEO Baek Jong-hoon as the next participants. (S-Oil)
Kumho Petrochemical will convert all of its corporate vehicles to eco-friendly cars by 2030, the refiner said Thursday. The transition is part of the Korean-type pollution-free vehicle conversion 100 (K-EV100) program, a green initiative organized by the Ministry of Environment and the Korea Automobile Environment Association to change all vehicles owned or leased by private firms to pollution-free cars. The goal is to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases and air pollutants by increasing the proportion of eco-friendly vehicles such as electric cars.