This rapid pace of development and the flood of workers coming here, has given north dakota the lowest Unemployment Rate in the us. But its also raised questions over the dangers of working in the oil fields. The more jobs you complete, the more money you make. The faster you complete them the faster you can get to the next job. Lets say i mean you take your time. If you be safe you are not i bet you could cut your pay in half. Fault lines spent six months investigating some of the risks in north dakotas oil fields and uncovered a dark side to the boom. A lot of these workers come to north dakota, get chewed up and go home to recover. I get calls from attorneys in other states all asking the same question. What in the hell is going on up there . Thousands of people from all over the country have been leaving home to seek work in the bakken. One of them was a former marine from hazel green alabama. Were in northern alabama to meet the family of dustin payne who after serving two tours i
But its also raised questions over the dangers of working in the oil fields. The more jobs you complete, the more money you make. The faster you complete them the faster you can get to the next job. Lets say i mean you take your time. If you be safe you are not i bet you could cut your pay in half. Fault lines spent six months investigating some of the risks in north dakotas oil fields and uncovered a dark side to the boom. A lot of these workers come to north dakota, get chewed up and go home to recover. I get calls from attorneys in other states all asking the same question. What in the hell is going on up there . Thousands of people from all over the country have been leaving home to seek work in the bakken. One of them was a former marine from hazel green alabama. Were in northern alabama to meet the family of dustin payne who after serving two tours in the marines found a job as a welder in north dakota. Hi scotty . How are you doing sir . Im josh rushing with fault lines. How are
This rapid pace of development and the flood of workers coming here, has given north dakota the lowest Unemployment Rate in the us. But its also raised questions over the dangers of working in the oil fields. The more jobs you complete, the more money you make. The faster you complete them the faster you can get to the next job. Lets say i mean you take your time. If you be safe you are not i bet you could cut your pay in half. Fault lines spent six months investigating some of the risks in north dakotas oil fields and uncovered a dark side to the boom. A lot of these workers come to north dakota, get chewed up and go home to recover. I get calls from attorneys in other states all asking the same question. What in the hell is going on up there . Thousands of people from all over the country have been leaving home to seek work in the bakken. One of them was a former marine from hazel green alabama. Were in northern alabama to meet the family of dustin payne who after serving two tours i
Ten years ago there were fewer than 200 oilproducing wells in the bakken. Now there are more than 8,000. They call it boomtown usa this is where all the money is. Its crazy the amount of money you can make here. This rapid pace of development and the flood of workers coming here, has given north dakota the lowest Unemployment Rate in the us. But its also raised questions over the dangers of working in the oil fields. The more jobs you complete, the more money you make. The faster you complete them the faster you can get to the next job. Lets say i mean you take your time. If you be safe you are not i bet you could cut your pay in half. Fault lines spent six months investigating some of the risks in north dakotas oil fields and uncovered a dark side to the boom. A lot of these workers come to north dakota, get chewed up and go home to recover. I get calls from attorneys in other states all asking the same question. What in the hell is going on up there . Thousands of people from all ove
This rapid pace of development and the flood of workers coming here, has given north dakota the lowest Unemployment Rate in the us. But its also raised questions over the dangers of working in the oil fields. The more jobs you complete, the more money you make. The faster you complete them the faster you can get to the next job. Lets say i mean you take your time. If you be safe you are not i bet you could cut your pay in half. Fault lines spent six months investigating some of the risks in north dakotas oil fields and uncovered a dark side to the boom. A lot of these workers come to north dakota, get chewed up and go home to recover. I get calls from attorneys in other states all asking the same question. What in the hell is going on up there . Thousands of people from all over the country have been leaving home to seek work in the bakken. One of them was a former marine from hazel green alabama. Were in northern alabama to meet the family of dustin payne who after serving two tours i