Kumkum Bhagya' actress Leena Jumani, who is currently seen in the daily soap 'Appnapan. Badalte Rishton Ka Bandhan' is working hard to play her role perfectly. She is following a strict fitness regime for her look in the show. | Tellychakkar.com
Mumbai, Oct 10 (IANS) 'Kumkum Bhagya' actress Leena Jumani, who is currently seen in the daily soap 'Appnapan. Badalte Rishton Ka Bandhan' is working hard
'Kumkum Bhagya' actress Leena Jumani, who is currently seen in the daily soap 'Appnapan. Badalte Rishton Ka Bandhan' is working hard to play her role perfectly. She is following a strict fitness regime for her look in the show.She said: .
'Kumkum Bhagya' actress Leena Jumani, who is currently seen in the daily soap 'Appnapan. Badalte Rishton Ka Bandhan' is working hard to play her role perfectly.