The Shiv Sena on Monday slammed the Bharatiya Janata Party by claiming that those who are crying hoarse over the grave of Yakub Memon, executed for his role in the 1993 serial blasts, were hiding in burrows during the Mumbai riots.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. The Shiv Sena on Monday slammed the Bharatiya Janata Party by claiming that those who are crying hoarse over the grave of Yakub Memon, executed for his role in the 1993 serial blasts, were "hiding in burrows" during the Mumbai riots. India News | Those Raising Yakub Memon Grave Issue Hid During Mumbai Riots, Says Sena in Swipe at BJP.
Nationalist Congress Party leader Jayant Patil on Friday jibed at the Bharatiya Janata Party and said that the permissions to build the grave were granted during BJP's rule.
Yakub Memon grave decoration case: Seven years after terrorist Yakub Abdul Razzak Memon was hanged to death in 2015, a major political controversy ignited over the reported make-over of his grave at the Bada Qabrastan in south Mumbai, on Thursday.