shaun: i can t believe my brother. he just dumped her body. what kind of man does something like that? vivian: hey, a weak man. a frightened man. a man who is af afraid to fail. look, remember all those years that we thought that greg was i don t know the family superstar? uh-ue well in school, but he has never been the man that you are strong, caring, honest. shaun: i can tell you this he s not the man i thought he was. you would have liked charlene. she never let anything get her down. vivian: like destiny? shaun: yeah. i don t know why i didn t see it before. she s strong, independent.bad temper.
am dr. amy bishop. that s what we received in the report yesterday. harris: how does all of this fit into the picture that you ve been able to gather about amy bishop as i know authorities are trying to get a handle on why the incident happened, the core of what the motive was last week in alabama? reporter: well, you know, it fits into what has emerged as a very complex portrait of a woman who s clearly very bright and talented in her field, but also odd, difficult and prone to a bad temper. i mean, we know that from police reports and, you know, and i think, you know, using the word bad temper s probably incorrect, but, obviously, this is a very troubled woman who did show red flags. but at the same time, charges really never quite stuck. in 2002 she did admit to sufficient facts that would have allowed them to prosecute her, but the and she was placed on probation, but after that there