they heard that 99% of the caucus was on board with this is not an acceptable package. if you this i the economics of the last eight years have worked grade, supply side, trickle down, this would be even more supply side and even more trickle down and i don t think it s going to produce the results this president wants or needs. he has had a failed economic team. this is more mush from that same failed economic team. what s your take on larry summers warning that without passage of this package, we will go into a recession again? larry has done a great job so far. he cut ott real investment and real jobs out of the stimulus in order to give people a min is stul tax cut that they don t know they got to spend it on consumer goods. theoretically, that was going to put people back to work. i said, bad politics, bad economics. it was both. this is just a continuation of his failed policies.
groups but not all. but it really is a case of strange bedfellows. you ve got moveon and progressives objecting. and then mark meckler of the tea party patriots hates the deal. he tells cnn, quote, this wrere of politics as usual. it s a direct breach of the republican pledge not to raise taxes. this is bad policy, bad politics, and a bad deal for the american people. both groups, mostly concerned about changes in the estate tax and also concerned about the extension of unemployment insurance and the payroll tax that none of these efforts are paid for. i want to bring in a voice of someone who is not quite he s already talking about it, senator-elect rand paul. he says he doesn t like this. listen. i think the most important thing government can do right now for the economy is to extend
wrenching, society wrenching, bad politics in economics they look at those and say that s the way to go if you want to reduce poverty, force people to pull themselves up against the boot straps. the evidence goes the other way. over the business cycle expansion over the 2,000s, poverty rates did not go down, they went up. chairman. yes. i ask you, in terms look, there is an argument to be made here. jared makes an eloquent argument. we had stats we used. what is the point of introducing a policy speech like this late in the campaign season? i don t know what the specifics are behind doing the policy speech at this point but i do know that it is consistent from the paul ryan perspective with his relationship with jack kemp who was an advocate and really the father for a form of empowerment that goes to some of the core roots of what the republican party and this economic philosophy has been about. it has been sort of that boot strap argument. but the thing that i always