In a fan signing event, THIS male idol broke viewers' hearts after he was seen holding back his tears when a so-called supporter criticized his current look after changing his hairstyle.
Heavily tattooed Dayne Brajkovich, 43, who has a swastika tattooed on his chin and bad news on his forehead, bought the gold at Perth Mint in June, now at the centre of a money laundering investigation.
On Tuesday, the “fact checkers” at Snopes ardently defended Gov. Andrew Cuomo by attacking an accurate tweet as "Mostly False." The headline was: Did Gov. Cuomo Say It Was ‘Bad News’ Pfizer Vaccine Progress Came Under Trump? The correct answer is Yes. It came from a Good Morning America interview on November 9. Tom Elliott of Grabien tweeted: @NYGovCuomo says it’s “bad news” Pfizer’s Covid vaccine came during the Trump Admin; says he’s going to work w/ other governors to “stop” distribution “before it does damage".