quite exist in cities, and you look at the mayors. you look at the first mayor daley and even the second mayor daley, kevin white in boston, shafer in baltimore. you think they were almost dictators. that s when the absolute power really hits. alan, before we let you go, did you look to any certain cities for inspiration? was there any were there any figures historical or not that you that you were sort of whose experiences you were calling on to? i was very fascinated by boss tweed. way, way, way what year was that? that was around the time of the 19 the 20th century. he got away with everything. russell crowe in particular was like when he came on to play this role, he said the mayor is not going down. that was his biggest i said the mayor this never happens. he said i m playing the mayor, by the way. he is not going down. he is like a schmuck always takes the fall. the bad guy doesn t go down.