government. but my question is this. if web a web site where there was no security blocking mechanism and it s an issue that hasn t been addressed what can you as a congressman do to help americans who put in social security numbers to find out what exchanges and what information is available to them? first we have to make sure the protections are in there that this system is secure. we already know that congressman don t we? we do know this. we need to make sure that it becomes a cure and that the testing that should have been done. we have answers about why it is there was a sign off on the part of the department of health and human services for this web site in violation of what the requirements are of the law in the form of them doing testing and then asserting this testing has been done appropriately.
issue inside and out. you or someone involved in cyber security, what needs to be done before this web site can go up so that americans can feel comfortable signing up? judge, the biggest issue i have with this is actually i found this document. this is one of the over site committee got it s a redacted copy of the daily activity reports the test plan. is there anything on here about security. this talks about where the system is going to bonk out at 1100 users. that is from september 30th. i went through this and looked at this. no place in here is security. i am not a politician. my thought is, if you got a bad foundation don t build your house on it. you got to rip it down, tear it down start all over again. you are going to put one sixth of our nation at risk. i am going to make it worse. if you have navigators with identity theft convictions if you have convicted felons who
healthcare for americans join me. join me. i am not fighting i am dying of breast cancer stanl four breast cancer that woman has and she can t get any insurance as of a few more weeks. don t give me the let us get together and make this thing work. that is nothing. by the way that is not true. they have the exemption. the health savings account. broad stage competition that would give everybody much more affordable health insurance. the judge ellis said something and he s continuing to talk about a point that president obama is leading on. 15 million americans as of now have lost their private insurance from because of
kick and scream. in the end democrats and the president are trying to get insurance for people who don t have it instead of helping it work they are complaining, apologize, wa, wa, wa. i had a woman with stage 4 breast cancer who was told she had no insurance as of a few more weeks, and she can t even get on a web site to get insurance. you want to talk death panels? let us have the conversation. let s have it right now. what insurance what administrative i know what administrative fix does this president have for that woman? let s get that woman to a hospital. let us get her insurance. she had a policy she liked. if the issue is we want to get
obamacare regulations. as of next year. 120 million americans. i heard that. i heard that. you are denying it. why will the president if he swore for three years that you could keep your healthcare plan why would he not support a bipartisan bill that says protect your healthcare? how about this? answer the question yes or no. why don t we get that lady a better healthcare plan. you are not answering my question. ellis answer my question. i am not going to put my faith in the future of these insurance companies. get this lady the healthcare she needs. she had the healthcare she wanted. you don t have to have something better? how about what she wants? why do you have to do what the government wants. what you are failing to understand there is a bipartisan plan on the floor now mare leland ders supports it. keep your healthcare if you like it. tony ellis, frustrating.