to scratch. it makes sense to take good care of your skin because it s far more complex than it looks the average person has almost five million haris all over their body a miniature forest and habited by a host of tiny organisms. among them bacteria viruses found guy at mines it s a microscopic zoo. and if all its inhabitants are in equilibrium your skin does just fine. but when they aren t you can develop conditions like any topic dermatitis. reuben heritable has had skin problems all his life at least in part due to imbalances in his micro biota with help from the latest research he hopes his skin will soon be able to heal its. self. claims the inflammations i get can hurt quite
might spread sample they live on and in our hair follicles their favorite meal seba but when this monogamy is out of balance you might find yourself with an x. to scratch. it makes sense to take good care of your skin because it s far more complex than it looks the average person has almost five million haris all over their body a miniature forest and habited by a host of tiny organisms. among them bacteria viruses found die of months it s a microscopic zoo and if all its inhabitants are in equilibrium your skin does just fine. but when they aren t you can develop conditions like any topic dermatitis. reuben heritable has had skin. problems all his life at least in part due to imbalances in
colombian for. the right. so what they ve done that check the water is pumped through several finally poured membranes to extract the salt and also to filter out the bacteria viruses and tiny impurities. the result is drinking water that is cleaner than the tap water in berlin. i keyed up using we found a solution that s tailor made for this environment and we d like to expand it to other places and not what he does but. we have unlimited amounts of salty water and unlimited amounts of solar power and wind energy and we have the technology for purifying water and for supplying energy so we can bring the energy side and the water side together to supply water to people in specific places in this region. the desalination plant cost twenty thousand euros partially funded by the german
membranes to extract the salt and also to filter out the bacteria viruses and tiny impurities. the result is drinking water that is cleaner than the top water in berlin. i keyed up using we found a solution that s tailor made for this environment and we d like to expand it to other places and not what he does but. we have unlimited amounts of salty water and unlimited amounts of solar power and wind energy and we have the technology for purifying water and for supplying energy so we can bring the energy side and the water side together to supply water to people in specific places in this region. the desalination plant cost twenty thousand euros partially funded by the german government. ronald garcia martina s the caretaker at the boarding school is responsible for maintaining the purification plant and distributing the water today
part of the contaminants in the water, chemicals, bacteria viruses. floodwaters washed away tresh thaurs can never be replaced. they also delivered something no one wants. snakes and other reptiles turning up in unexpected places. not just the water. but the animals that comes with it too is frightening. and take a look. this may be as much of the sun as we see here in texas today. as we speak, we re still under that flash flood warning. there s a big mass moving this way. i don t know if the microphone is picking up the thunder behind me. this is just what this state, alex does not need. people are trying to clean up, they re trying to dry out all over the state. not just here in north texas. you ve got wimberley and the houston area. you ve got wharton. with showers like this the rain picking up again, forecasts for today and tomorrow, it s just as they say, insult to injury. we re hearing the raindrops