Councilmember Lorena Gonzalez. (Seattle Channel)
Seattle City Council president and mayoral candidate Lorena Gonzalez is suffering from a series of missteps. Yet, ironically, they’re all orchestrated. A stunt to virtue signal her contrived support for workers blew up in her face. How embarrassing.
Gonzalez was first called out for supporting an illegal, race-based admissions fee at a gay pride event because she thought it would win her points with the activist community. And she’s a lawyer? All it did was remind the community that she’s one of the city’s least competent lawyers.
In one tweet, Gonzalez exposes her complete and utter ignorance of the city she pretends to represent. To what end? So that she could present her own economic plan. But a small problem: her plan doesn’t offer any details beyond left-wing talking points. Her plan is missing… the plan. It also erases Asians from our diverse city.
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House Republican sources tell us Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) is “checked out” and already accepting her fate. | Sarah Silbiger/Getty Images
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