justification, lapd should we hire every single person they have fired. every employer that should fired with backpay should be rehired. it s only fair. steve: exactly. it is so outrageous. they ve done this to you and your family. it makes me so angry. what do you see happening next? square on - where is your court case going? we are hoping to set precedent with this case. we are suing on several issues and most notably the unconstitutionality itself of the religious exemptions they are forcing employees and also the members to fill out which is an eight page document. what they are trying to do is
justification, lapd should we hire every single person they have fired. every employer that should fired with backpay should be rehired. it s only fair. steve: exactly. it is so outrageous. they ve done this to you and your family. it makes me so angry. what do you see happening next? square on - where is your court case going? we are hoping to set precedent with this case. we are suing on several issues and most notably the unconstitutionality itself of the religious exemptions they are forcing employees and also the members to fill out which is an eight page document. what they are trying to do is
justification, lapd should we hire every single person they have fired. every employer that should fired with backpay should be rehired. it s only fair. steve: exactly. it is so outrageous. they ve done this to you and your family. it makes me so angry. what do you see happening next? square on - where is your court case going? we are hoping to set precedent with this case. we are suing on several issues and most notably the unconstitutionality itself of the religious exemptions they are forcing employees and also the members to fill out which is an eight page document. what they are trying to do is get each employee to give up