but the more america achieves, the more info and enraged these crazy democrats become. the stake in this place though mike fights, is the survival of american democracy itself, don t kid yourself. that is what they want, they are destroying this country. shannon: the president to wernick tonight, democrats want to replace faith and family with government programs and plans. let s bring in for discussion, host of left host news, even fox news contributor back church of dallas pastor, dr. robert jefferson who is at the rally tonight, when he gave them a shut out he wasn t there because he was going to the studio to do our show. professor jefferson, thank you for being us, even, and you as well. i want to play a little bit of the president, we have several sound bites from him, but there s one in particular where he talked about beto o rourke running for president, it likely going head-to-head with the commander in chief and having a rally about thinking about the way the resident tal