think ions so or the executive branch under any presidentst and it s up for the public to push back and to ultimately have this threat of impeachment in its back pocket. one of the things that was not noted this week was the justice department and the house judiciary committee actually came to some kind of a deal over some of the mueller documents. this was sort of not in anyone s theatrical interests to promote that, you know, some sort of back channel negotiation ended up with the justice department backing down on this effort, the sort of globalist effort throughout the executive branch
around waiting for the president to call. if he was smart right now he would engage in a back channel negotiation with the iranians like we did under president obama so that he could build up credibility through that secret channel and convince the iranians that he is actually taking negotiations seriously. that is what he s saying he wants. he wants to develop some back channel diplomatic route to them, but is that possible? it might be possible behind the scenes if we establish credibility with the iranians. i don t know that that s what he s saying. he is the swiss coming to washington today in some kind of pr stunt, the swiss are our channel to the iranians. that s not back channel, that s overt. he is making these statements publicly. we have no indication that he s trying to do something behind the scenes that actually involves preparatory work. abby, you wanted in? i was just going to say that the u.s. government has made it clear that they do want to establish some kind
moscow a month after the election, anna. thanks to both of you. my panel, cnn global affairs analyst, kimmer by dozier, allan and paul. kim, a source with knowledge of this story is telling cnn n that this credit line of communication that was suppose to help the trump team in russia privately discuss military operations in syria and ore matters without the administration knowing about this, would that make sense? who are you talking to? to kimberly dozer. oh sorry about that. would it make sense, no it wouldn t make sense in that look, a back channel negotiation to communication in which h.r. macmaster was talking about is usually when the u.s. goes through a third country, say
brokered by people from the united ar united arab emirates. so you have more than one taking place and some of these during the transition. the fact is, you know, all administrations, democrats and republicans will do back channel negotiations. it was actually a back channel negotiation with iran that led to the iran nuclear negotiations. the thing is, one, you want to keep it secret if it is meant to be a secret back channel. two, you wait until you are president as opposed to during the transition period and that s raised some objections about this idea one president at a time. were things being offered? were discussions being had before trump was president about possible changes in u.s. policy with regards to russia? that s the question. we don t know the answer to that question. but we do know there were more contacts than we knew of before. this is just part of the