several years, sometimes you take what you can get, give what you can get, and you make a deal to help the country pay its bills. exactly. i ve been a back bencher. my hair has been on fire. yeah, the republic is falling if we do this, that or the other. but, you know, after being up there about six months, i turned to a friend of mine in the freshman class. it s funny, we keep saying the world is going to come to an end if this bill passes or that. we re still here, aren t we? at some point, they aren t going to believe us anymore. maybe, maybe we should stop throwing bombs. i have to say, lemire talked about throwing bombs, willie. uh-oh. i saw some bomb throwing last night. that s mean. the celtics could not put one in last night. you talk about being grown-ups and responsible and getting the job done, that would be the nuggets, willie. that would be the nuggets. yeah, the nuggets were waiting for this one. the celtics were on the doorstep of history.
potential challenges, one is he s a senator at a time when most americans, certainly republicans, don t like much about washington. also he s never really had a hard senate challenge in south carolina. he was of first appointed to the job by governor haley, and then he s had pretty easy runs for senate. so his campaign skills will be challenged. i think that s right. and a lot of the country may be looking for a governor who has more leadership skills, and i think that s why ron desantis is so attractive. now, tim scott, again to kim s point, he did make a name for himself in the senate by pushing police reform, he helped convene a gop caucus for tax reform. but on the policy side, he hasn t taken much leadership outside of those two issues. now, i wouldn t call him a back bencher, he s actually been a constructive force. he hasn t been, you know, like some others like ted cruz or josh hawley at times and trying
taylor greene s name on the show when she was a back bencher. i wasn t going to give anybody oxygen for saying crazy things if they weren t relevant she s now relevant just like donald trump is relevant, so i guess we could all like avert our eyes and pretend she s not there, but she is there. and if she is there and she s the second most powerful republican in the house, do we not need to hear from her? the trump comparison is a good one whether it s on this show or in my reporting or even tweeting, if i m tweeting something donald trump says or add vivising the he s going to have a news conference you have a deluge of people saying, don t give him oxygen. if we ignore him he s not going away we don t want to dance to his tune we have to do it responsibly and that s what we re trying to do each and every day. the media has gotten better at this there were real mistakes made in the 2015, 2016 campaign, giving him unfettered air time with no
and i m so glad he pointed that out. i think that image we had up earlier was, michael mccaul, in in ukraine, and he is, there he is. and he s not he s not a back bencher. i mean, that guy, i believe he s chairman of the armed services committee, and he went in, and so for every person we hear yammering, pro-putin talking points in the house gop, you ve got mike mccaul over there, along with, i see darrell issa and other republicans who are supporting he s chair of the foreign affairs committee, and you have republicans over there, and actually you have chairman mccaul actually pushing for more missiles and f-16s going over to ukraine. as willie pointed out, mika,
stronger. for biden s trip, it showed a more united america, a more united europe than putin ever imagined. that s the real story. these other marjorie taylor greene, you know, whatever. doesn t matter. again, charlie sykes, talking about secession, which, of course, we ve looked at all the numbers. by the way, not a back bencher. somebody who is responsible for kevin mccarthy s rise. somebody who kevin mccarthy said he would stand next to until the bitter end. said that red states needed to secede from america. of course, this is so laughable because blue states, as we all know, are the donor states, are the states where taxpayers take it on the chin, to take care of districts like marjorie taylor greene s. to take care of districts across