she keeps chasing one mile at a time. shannon pettypiece, nbc news, lyndhurst, virginia. and next, t team usasa battless back att the world d cup. type 2 2 diabetes?s? discscover the o ozempic® tri-zonene. in my ozozempic® t tri-zone, i i lowered mymy a1c, cv r r, and d lost some e weight. inin studies, , the mamajority of f people reachehed an a1c u under 7 and maintatained it. ozozempic® l lowers the e rk of majajor cardiovovascular evs such as s stroke, heheart atta, or d death in adadults also with h known hearart dise. and yoyou may losese weight. adults losost up to 1414 poun. ozempic® isn t t for peoplele with t type 1 diababetes. don n t share e needles oror , or reuse n needles. don n t take o ozempic® if you o or your famamily ever had m medullary thyroid cacancer, or have mumultiple endndocrie neoplasia a syndrome t type , or if allelergic to itit. ststop ozempicic® and getet medicacal help rigight away if you g get a lumpp or swewelling in y your neck, sesevere stom