with the obama over the debt limit, and the tea party fights and misk cat returns break out w. allergies. bachmann will be their hero. the removal of huckabee and trurep bachmann? tremendously. because huckabee was the evangelical candidate. the polling has shown the evangelicals and the tea party people overlap. 75% or both evangelical and tea party types. with how come beis out most of those votes are going to romney. bill: you see it romney, gingrich and bachmann. but bachmann has to to keep nirp. i think you are going to have a three way fight on the right and one on the center.
get a pass. trump dropped out he is making the final. then you are going to have a three way fight for the search nomination among beginning yich, dabbles and balkman. i think that gingrich will benefit from debates but will be hurt by his personal issues. damages is pretty dull. but his record as governor is fabulous. and bachmann has the can a chara but she is inexperienced. one of those three is going to emerge and fight romney august the wave down to the fire. i agree with that see you next week being with a directly ahead what did the cia leasure from the bin laden raid? they took a lot of them. rating on president obama s performance
get a pass. trump dropped out he is making the final. then you are going to have a three way fight for the search nomination among beginning yich, dabbles and balkman. i think that gingrich will benefit from debates but will be hurt by his personal issues. damages is pretty dull. but his record as governor is fabulous. and bachmann has the can a chara but she is inexperienced. one of those three is going to emerge and fight romney august the wave down to the fire. i agree with that see you next week being with a directly ahead what did the cia leasure from the bin laden raid? they took a lot of them. rating on president obama s
get a pass. trump dropped out he is making the final. then you are going to have a three way fight for the search nomination among beginning yich, dabbles and balkman. i think that gingrich will benefit from debates but will be hurt by his personal issues. damages is pretty dull. but his record as governor is fabulous. and bachmann has the can a chara but she is inexperienced. one of those three is going to emerge and fight romney august the wave down to the fire. i agree with that see you next week being with a directly ahead what did the cia leasure from the bin laden raid? they took a lot of them. rating on president obama s performance upcoming.
everything else that he is going to actually go up in the republican polls. yeah. higher than 11. when are you going to take the next poll? a couple of weeks. bill: can t you speed it up now. published polls. have you got the whole different field now. a week from today. will you have it the next wednesday for us? i want to see if you are right. another person who watch in this field is michele bachmann. she has charisma. she is brilliant. she is a lawyer. bill: wait. she is brilliant? yeah. absolutely. a paths r. masters degree. she is sharp and fast. bill: i agree with all of that brilliant. she is not in gingrich s league but who is? bill: you say she is helped why? she is the republican leader in congress of the tea party caucus. so, when boehner makes his deal