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Phó thủ tướng đề nghị TP.HCM thực hiện Chỉ thị 16 chống Covid-19 “leo thang“
21:37 25/06/2021 06 25/quan-4-phong-toa-3-hem-lien-quan-47-ca-duong-tinh00034508still001-16246155647901361189401 mogz.jpg
that luck has a great deal to do with it. and some get dealt a bad hand from which they never recover. that s a great example of where i when i dusted that baby off, of course, i wanted to publish it again with the reflections of someone now 56 years old and taking a look at what i now view of life. i have no problem calling myself out and admitting the many instances where i was wrong in this book. you evolve also. times change. situations change. principles remain the same for people like you anyway, if they were hard set to begin with. the idea of when you started this journey, just after 9/11. right. what an interesting time to come into the perspective business. true. and the very first column that i published as a columnist is one that advocates rudy giuliani, a name very familiar to you. you just interviewed him again last week. i advocate that he is the
daily news and philadelphia enquirer archives, i found a column from 1985 i forgot i published. i was in law school. first year. an opinion piece about america being the land of opportunity. now, i still believe that america is a land of opportunity, but that luck has a great deal to do with it. and some get dealt a bad hand from which they never recover. and so, yeah, that s a great example of where when i dusted that baby off, of course i wanted to publish it again but with the reflections of someone who is now 56 years old and taking a vilook at what i now vw of life. i have no problem calling myself out and admitting the many instances i was wrong in this book. you evolve also. times change, principles remain the same if they were hard set to begin with. the idea of when you started this journey, just after 9/11 right. what an interesting time to
i still think that s the million dollar question, why his colleagues. that you don t see much. you don t see terrorists picking on the people they know personally. it s usually the symbol, the symbol of the american dream. why not go to a big box store or the statue of liberty? they knew this was a soft target, only building of the three that didn t have a key pad to get in. i actually think they had a different target in mind, others have said this. got the rental car and had the bombs, but the bombs were at home, unsophisticated. i actually think that some altercation, i ve heard somebody insulted his beard at the party and that s when he went home, got his wife, dropped the baby off, came back, left the bombs there. the bottom line is, he got offended and decided it happens here, now, today, and happening against my colleagues because somebody deeply offended him. casey jordan, thank you very much, taking us into the mind, some how, some way of these killers. coming up, a cl